Contact Us!

Pastor Mark Leckie
What is an Educational Success Consultation?
An important component to our Admissions process is an Educational Success Consultation with our Principal, Mark Leckie, designed to actively engage and support you as parents in making wise educational decisions for your child. Whether you have decided on Calvary Chapel Academy or are still considering your options, this consultation provides a very meaningful conversation. It focuses on your aspirations and goals for your child’s development in all areas; academic, physical, social, emotional and spiritual. If you do choose CCA as your partner in these goals, the consultation will help us better serve your child. Both parents are encouraged to attend the consultation.
Schedule a Shadow Day
Shadow Days are designed for your child to experience the benefits of a Christian-based education at Calvary Chapel Academy. Each child will be paired with a student in their current grade and will follow their class schedule for the day.
For your convenience Shadow Days can be scheduled in conjunction with your Educational Success Consultation.
Call 585-398-2218 today to schedule!