Mark Leckie

Pastor Mark Leckie



The Lord has called me to be principal to promote His kingdom through the field of education. I enjoy seeing growth in the students as we provide them a Christ-centered, Biblical worldview. It is an amazing opportunity to see spiritual growth in children, even at a young age, and prepare them to face a changing world, while living out their faith. I have my Bachelors of Science in Mass Communications from Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio.

I enjoy time with the Lord, chewing on His word. I consider myself a growing student of the Lord. I have attended Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes since 1979 when the fellowship was meeting in a small grange hall in Pumpkin Hook, NY. I met my wife Lynn at a home Bible study, and we were married in 1981. We have 5 girls, Hannah, Jessica, Laura, Keri, and Tami. Through the years I have served various capacities at the church including secretary/treasurer. I enjoy time in Biblical Studies, hockey, soccer, horticulture, and cooking.

Kevin Consul

Kevin Consul

Vice Principal

Seventh and Eighth Grades  


I surrendered my life to Christ in 1992. Since that time, by God’s grace, He has enabled me to walk closer and closer with Him, and learn His ways. I am blessed to serve Him as husband, father, teacher and member of the body of Christ. I really enjoy teaching young people and watching them grow in their relationship with Christ. It is the ultimate challenge for me. I love to explore with them how the majesty and glory of God is demonstrated in every facet of life. My Hobbies include spending time at my parents cottage with my wife and 3 boys, sports, and reading.

I am a New York State certified teacher, I have a masters degree in Elementary Education from Nazareth College, and a BA in business management from St. John Fisher. I have 17 years experience teaching, including 2nd grade in public school, as well as here at Calvary Chapel I have taught various grades and subjects.

Kevin Consul

Kellie Allen

Sixth Grade


This will be my second year teaching 6th grade at Calvary Chapel Academy. Prior to this, I was able to teach at a homeschool co-op. This included several classes and a variety of ages. I completed my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing at SJFC. I enjoy teaching because it imparts a sense of purpose and meaning. Each day presents an opportunity to contribute to something greater than yourself. I love seeing how kids think because they have amazing ideas and perspectives. Watching the students grow and change throughout the year is a blessing.

I am grateful for Jesus having His hand upon my life. How He loves me, forgives me, and sanctifies me is a miracle in itself. I love reading His Word and being directed and guided by His Holy Spirit. I am so thankful He has opened the door to serve at Calvary Chapel Academy.

I enjoy gardening, reading, and learning new things. Spending time with my husband and my children is the main focus of my time.

Ingrid Nye

Mr. Dawson

Fifth Grade


I am a graduate of our own Calvary Chapel School of Ministry. I love serving the Lord wherever He has me. Whether that is being a faithful husband, teaching Sunday school, teaching here at Calvary Chapel Academy, the sound room, on mission trips, cleaning the church, even cleaning toilets, wherever the Lord has me I am blessed!

I truly enjoy teaching because I have the privilege and opportunity to minister and pour into the lives of these kids. While loving them and raising them up in the way of the Lord. I substitute taught here in various ways over the last few years, as well as in our Sunday school program and I have enjoyed every minute of it! My wife and I enjoy hiking, and of course serving the Lord.

Jen Popen

Fourth Grade


I had had much experience in many different aspects of Calvary Chapel Academy over the years. As a teacher I taught 5th grade for 2 years and 1st grade for 1 year. I had home schooled our own children in different seasons of their education, currently I have our 10th grade daughter at home. I have my Bachelors in Science degree, Art Education degree, I attended Buffalo State College, and our own School Of Ministry. I would describe my relationship with Jesus as my #1 relationship!

It is the highlight of our day when the kids come into the cafe for lunch! I love the buzz of their conversations, and seeing their smiling faces. It is such a blessing to serve the Lord and serving his little Lambs. My biggest hobby is running for Jesus! Participating in marathons and races for the Lord is my favorite thing to do.

Rebecca Hudson

Jennifer Greindl

Third Grade



I was saved as a young child and baptized. Unfortunately, some events in my late childhood pulled me from my faith. I grew up in a broken family with neither parents following Jesus. Because of this, I ran from my hurt and those family members who kept me in church. I was brought back to the Lord when my now husband walked up to me one day and simply asked, “Do you know Jesus?” Since then my life has been Christ centered and God has walked side by side with us.

Teaching is something I never thought I could do until God showed me this gift. Teaching tiny minds about Jesus and watching them grow in their relationship with Him is one of my greatest blessings. I have taught children ranging in ages 2-16 years old in Sunday school for over 10 years as well as homeschooling my son for two years. In my spare time, I love reading, word and math puzzles, and building Legos. I greatly look forward to what the Lord has in store for me at Calvary Chapel Academy!

Ingrid Nye

Mrs. Ingrid Nye

Second Grade


I was four years old when my family emigrated to America from Germany and my earliest memories are of my mother teaching me how to read from her Bible. I learned that Jesus loved me enough to pay the price for my sins. I loved Sunday School, church choir, and summer youth camp. I felt the Lord draw my heart the summer I was nine. I wanted to know more about my Savior and spent many hours with my Bible, especially the four Gospels.

As an adult I am still in awe at how much Jesus loves me. I am so thankful for His mercy and grace. I am thankful for answered prayer and the healing of my youngest son. I felt Jesus’ comfort and care during my bout with cancer. I love to sing to Him. My life verse is “While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” Psalm 146:2 NKJV.

Reading has always played an important part of my life. As a child I learned to read German and then English. I read my Bible Story book until it was tattered. I discovered Laura Ingalls Wilder and her “Little House” books. I was on the prairie, in the covered wagon, the dugout, and many more places she wrote about. I found that I wanted to share my love of reading with others. I majored in Elementary Education with a minor in ELA at Anderson College now Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana. But my focus was on all the elements of reading.

Teaching children to read involves more than decoding words. My goal is to install enthusiasm for the written word. To infer, comprehend, and reflect on what is being read. I want to make the passage come “alive” whether historical, poetic, humorous, or even a math problem. It is wonderful to watch students smile as they read a particular passage with inflection or to correct themselves when they miss a word. Reading should be fun as well as informative and that is what I work toward every day.

My personal life revolves around my family. I am married to my college sweetheart, and we have three grown children and six grandchildren. My husband and I love to travel. We have crossed the country by train eight times. Rented a car at each destination and visited many sights in this great land of ours. When at home we have a standing Saturday morning date for breakfast at a favorite diner and then go for a long ride around the Finger Lakes. We sing, laugh, reminisce, and enjoy each other’s company. My hobbies include tending flowers, reading, and watching the hummingbirds from my deck.

Ingrid Nye

Heather Colletti

First Grade


This will be my fourth year teaching at CCA, and I’m looking forward to another year filled with a lot of learning and fun. I spend most of my time with my family. Prior to teaching at Calvary Chapel Academy, I spent the last 15 years homeschooling my four children. I also have spent many years teaching dance. There are many Bible verses that I love, but the one that I think about all day long is Haggai 1:7, “Thus saith the Lord of hosts consider your ways.” To me “consider your ways” means I must keep my words, my actions, my thoughts, and my motives in check at all times. This verse helps to guide me through each day, so that I may do my best to live a life that pleases the Lord.

Our family also has four cats named Hank, Frank, David, and Bunny. One area of dance I am truly passionate about is ballet. My favorite color is yellow. I have a huge sweet tooth. It is my privilege and a huge blessing to be teaching first grade again this year!

Ingrid Nye

Sandy Janshego



I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school. I enjoyed Bible studies as an adult, but never knew the whole truth. I gave my heart to Jesus when Potters Field Ministry shared at Calvary Chapel Rochester in 2000. Previous to that, I was attending a Methodist church, but going to Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes Bible studies on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Through that, the Lord drew my husband and I to leave the Methodist church and come to CC Finger Lakes full time in 2001. I am blessed to serve here as a teacher and help in the cafe/bookstore. I also enjoy our ladies studies.

I have an associates degree in computer science, a NYS license in cosmetology, as well as education for accounting and math. I spent time in the Cananadaigua School District as a teachers aid for four years, as well as teaching 5th grade here at CCA in the 2016-2017 school year.

Children are so precious! I love children. I love to see their excitement when they get to give an answer. Its fun to listen to their stories, especially when they are sharing with each other. It’s so much fun to help them learn. I have two daughters, and 4 grandchildren. I love spending time with them going on adventures, and doing fun things like crafts. I am a crafter at heart, enjoy knitting and crocheting, making jewelry, or paper crafts, and of course spending time with my family.

I am so thankful God continues to help me grow in the knowledge of Him. He has begun a work in me and promises to continue.

Madison Austin

Administrative Assistant


I became a Christian at a very young age, and I rededicated my life to God at age 13. One of the most poignant lessons I am learning in my walk is that there is almost nothing as important as taking one’s faith into their own hands, even if they have grown up in a godly household, as I have. I attended Calvary Chapel Rochester for over fifteen years, until the beginning of 2021, when my family felt led to join the Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes family. It has been a blessing to get to know some of the wonderful people who comprise this church, and I am so glad to have this opportunity to become knit into this body even more in this new chapter of my life.

I was homeschooled from second grade all the way up through my high school graduation in 2023. Solid, proper education for young people is something that I feel quite strongly about, having been blessed with a wonderful education myself. I believe that everyone and their learning style is unique, and that it is crucial to cater to and nurture each child according to his/her strengths and struggles. I believe that the two most important things an educator can teach his students are 1) the ultimate truth of God’s Word, which is the foundation for all other knowledge and learning, and 2) how to think critically.

I have a variety of interests and hobbies. I have played the violin for over ten years, and I am currently a member of the Penfield Symphony Orchestra. I am extremely close with my younger sister, and enjoy doing practically anything in her company. I love creative writing, reading, being with my friends and family, and taking walks.

Eli Powell

Physical Education



I have been saved for 18 years and I’ve only recently really learned what it means to walk with Him; what it means to love Him above all, letting Him lead and guide and trusting Him. By serving and worshiping through it all.

I love being able to teach the things in life that I’m passionate about and giving them the opportunity to share and develop that as well, whether its the ways of the Lord or the world of sports.

I have had the blessed privilege of serving in children’s ministry at Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes for the last 4 years. I was home schooled my entire education, and then I attended the School of Ministry for two years. I am currently serving full time at the only radio station that matters, 99.7 WZXV here at Calvary Chapel. This past summer I married my best friend, Izzy Powell!


Art Teacher/Librarian