What Are The Benefits Of A Christian School?

Pastor Mark Leckie

Some may ask why we should even have a Christian school if the goal of education is to prepare our children for the “real world”. Actually, what many call the “real world” is only our man-directed, sin-dominated society. God says that this is temporary! It is God’s kingdom that will last forever! Therefore, we should seek to educate our children with eternity in mind. We need to prepare them to be in the world, but not of the world.
Before making a significant investment, you may be wondering, “What are the benefits of a Christian school?” Here are some factors to consider:
1) Learning a Biblical worldview. While secular schools increasingly remove the acknowledgement God, Christian education integrates the truths of the Bible with the discovery of what He has created. This gives the student a more encompassing understanding of the world in which we live. The scriptures speak of the responsibility of raising up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4, cf. Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Prov. 22:6). The Christian school, with Christian curriculum and its dedicated teachers, are in partnership with parents to bring to each student God’s perspective of our world in every area of academics.
2) Development of Christ-like character. Daily Bible lessons help increase the students’ knowledge of God as well as reinforce the moral development and Christian values of growing children.
3) A more disciplined environment. Clear expectations of behavior are given which encourages respect for others. Unacceptable behavior is minimized.
4) Family atmosphere. In a smaller setting, students will know each other and enjoy the advantage of like-minded individuals. We also encourage strong family-school relationships.
5) Individualized attention. With smaller classes, students can receive more individual attention from their teachers.
6) Strong academic achievement. The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) states: “Students who attend religious schools score at an academic level about 12 months ahead of their counterparts”.
7) Encouraging servants. Ultimately we are preparing students to live successful godly lives in an increasingly hostile world. We encourage them to grow academically and spiritually as well as become servants of our Lord Jesus!
At Calvary Chapel Academy we invite you to join us in helping to raise the next generation for Jesus! When my wife and I had school-age children, we made the decision to send our children to our Christian school. We wanted to invest in a Christian education while they were young, their most impressionable years, and not wait until they were ready to go to college. We have never regretted that decision. I applaud any parents who are willing to sacrifice now for the spiritual growth and wellbeing of their children!
In His Service,
Pastor Mark Leckie, Principal